
Autistic Stakeholder Perspectives and Construct Validation of Flourishing Measures; Informing Surveillance and Intervention

Institution: West Virginia University

Project Overview

The research investigates the construct validity of flourishing as a measure of well-being in autistic youth, which was integrated into the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) in 2018 but not validated for this population.

The study included cognitive interviews with 12 autistic youth and 26 parents, followed by focus groups that discussed potential revisions to NSCH flourishing items and the creation of a 'conversation toolkit for flourishing.'

Preliminary analysis suggests that differences in flourishing between autistic and non-autistic youth may stem from the variability in how items are understood, rather than actual differences in well-being.

Findings from autistic youth and parent perspectives will contribute to guidelines for using and interpreting flourishing measures and pave the way for larger studies on well-being and the development of universally designed assessment tools.

Project Mentors and Contributors

Kristy Anderson, Justin Haegele