Applications and Proposals for AIR-P Scholars

Proposal Guidelines:

View instructions, guidelines, and eligibility here.

For additional information, you can watch our Q&A session from March 8th or email us at 


No, the project advisor does not need to be affiliated. Only the career mentor needs to be affiliated. 

Please reach out to with your specific inquiry

While there are no differences in criteria, late career investigators are encouraged to answer the following questions in their application:

  • Why are you now focusing in autism and physical health?
  • How will this grant provide you with unique support as a late career investigator?
  • How is this pilot data like going to focus on like getting you experience in this realm?

The AIR-P leans towards a broad audience approach (versus basic science). Projects engaging the Autistic community in their approach are highly encouraged to apply. 

 You may reach out to them directly. Feel free to cc in your email to ensure progress is made. 

The AIR-P is primarily an individual-based project. You would work with  your project advisor and receive  feedback from career mentors. However, there are a few opportunities to interact with your cohort and the broader network. You will be presenting at least one time during the year to the broader network which includes the CRE, leadership, affiliated? visiting? scholars, and scholar alumni. 

Listing a career mentor is not required during the project outline phase.

Please reach out to with your institution/department information. 

Yes, applicant may list co-PIs. No, you do not need to designate one PI as the lead. 

F&A costs are prohibited. Base pay can be covered for non-investigator roles, but any overhead costs are not allowed.

No. If you are applying yourself for the award, you cannot participate in any other capacity towards another person’s project