Conducting Inclusive Research
One of the core principles of the ICR is a commitment to advocate for research that is of benefit to the autistic community.
As a part of that effort, we require all researchers that wish to take place in our research repository to view a series of informational videos on how to better practice research with vulnerable populations. If you wish to submit, review, or participate in ICR projects, we ask that you familiarize yourself with these concepts and complete the knowledge check at the bottom of the page.
AIR-P, in conjunction with The Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) has produced videos on topics including:
4. Q&A Videos
See here for the playlist of videos!
We ask that you watch, reflect, and apply the insights given in these videos to your research inside and outside of the ICR.
If you plan to be involved with the ICR in any capacity, please complete the knowledge check found here.
AASPIRE offers additional resources in other accessible formats which can be found here.