Laura Holmes, PhD
AIR-P Scholar, Cohort 1 (2020-2021)
Institutions: Kaiser Permanente, CUNY Hunter College
Project Title: Health Equity Promotion for Sexual and Gender Minorities on the Autism Spectrum
Project Overview: A substantial proportion of autistic adolescents and adults are SGM. SGM face unique health challenges and have different patterns of service utilization compared to non- SGM. Evidence suggests health disparities and service inequities experienced by SGM may be compounded for autistic people. The study aimed to use a large, representative sample from an integrated healthcare delivery system to examine potential health disparities. Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), the largest and oldest integrated healthcare delivery organization in the U.S., with 4.8 million members that broadly represented the statewide population, including 21,500 autistic youth and adults, served as the data source.
Twitter: @drgrahamholmes