Lisa Croen, PhD
Gender, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health Node Leader
Dr. Croen has been a Research Scientist at the Division of Research, at Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) since 2000, and is the Director of the KPNC Autism Research Program. She has over 20 years of experience working in collaborative multi-site settings and directing research focused on ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders. A major focus of her research has been on identifying perinatal risk factors, exploring the development of co-occurring physical and mental health conditions over the life course, understanding patterns and disparities in detection, diagnosis, and utilization of health services, and evaluating interventions. She has a particular interest in the health status and healthcare utilization of transition-age autistic youth and adults. She is currently a member of two multidisciplinary workgroups addressing the design and implementation of clinical services and care paths across the lifespan for KPNC members with developmental disabilities: the Regional ASD and DD Integration of Care Leadership (RADICAL) Group and the Global Approach to Transition Experience (GATE) Committee. She has previous experience evaluating physical and mental health status and health care utilization and costs among children, transition-age youth and adults with ASD. Dr. Croen has published extensively in all of these areas.
Membership and Service
Research Scientist III, Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Northern California; Director, Autism Research Program, Kaiser Permanente Northern California