ANSWER Representatives Overview

Autistic and Neurodivergent Scholars Working for Equity in Research (ANSWER), recently established as part of the Autism Intervention Network on Physical Health (AIR-P), is forming to serve as an innovative model for how autistic and non-autistic autism researchers can effectively work together.


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ANSWER is a group of autistic and neurodivergent researchers at various points in our careers as academics, lecturers, and consultants. This gives us a unique perspective as both scientists and lived-experience experts, with which to assess the merit of the proposed research projects and their relevance to improving the lives of autistic people. 

General Responsibilities for all ANSWER Rep Positions:

  • Sit on two AIR-P nodes/committees as the ANSWER representative
  • For each node/committee, ANSWER reps will attend (at minimum) two 2-hr meetings per year in which the node leaders will present node/committee projects and activities
  • Following the presentation of projects and activities, ANSWER reps will provide suggestions and feedback and will be invited to help set the priorities of the node in upcoming time periods
a clipboard with a checklist
  • ANSWER reps will complete approximately 3-4 reviews annually for Infrastructure for Collaborative Research (ICR), AIR-P Cureus Channel, and/or Scholar’s applications
  • ANSWER reps will read and respond to email communications from the AIR-P Network

Remuneration for ANSWER Reps:

  • $2500 USD per year or $625 USD per quarter
  • We expect time commitments to amount to approximately 50 hours per year. Rates were calculated based on the rate of ~$50/hour.
A scholars cap above a gear with a dollar sign, showing a stipend for scholarly work

Important notes about remuneration:

  1. The provided amount is intended as a stipend. Members are responsible for ensuring they align their workload with the stipend provided, as additional compensation for hours worked beyond this agreement is not covered under the current terms.
  2. UCLA mandates that all ANSWER Reps (i.e., UCLA vendors) have liability insurance during their tenure. If you do not have liability insurance, it can be purchased through UCLA (Approximately $750 per year) or another insurance provider.