Using REDCap
REDCap provides a comprehensive array of tutorials for use of its services here. We recommend viewing the following videos to get a grasp of how you may use REDCap through the ICR.
- Brief Overview (4 min)
- Data Entry Overview (19 min)
- Types of Projects (3 min)
The ICR REDCap is partitioned into two sections - an internal REDCap with PHI and an external project-specific REDCap without it. Only ICR staff will have access to the internal REDCap, so the following material is only in regards to a proto-typical External REDCap project. If your project has components that are uploaded separately from ICR-produced REDCap instruments, then you may be given access to the External REDCap associated with your study.

The majority of data upload to the REDCap server will be done in batch upload. Forms, as indicated above, are available for download to streamline this process.

Data can be manually uploaded to your projects, along with tracking for participant progress for project material completion.

Once data is processed and transferred to the secure Internal REDCap server, then it can be downloaded ("Export Data") in the format of your choosing. This includes data fitting pre-selected criteria or a batch download.