Rose F. Kennedy Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center

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Mission Statement

At the Rose F. Kennedy (RFK) UCEDD, our research and evaluation aims to improve the health, functioning, and community inclusion of persons with developmental disabilities. With a foundation in the multidisciplinary Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC), projects are grounded in clinical experience. Persons with developmental disabilities help design, implement, and develop projects.

Our research and evaluation portfolio spans clinical, community, and policy initiatives. This breadth supports a focus on the social determinants of health.

Ongoing Projects

Published Resources

Available in:  Bengali, Korean, Traditional Chinese


CRE Members

Maria Rosario Valicente
Albert Einstein CRE Research Lead


Sophie Molholm
Albert Einstein CRE Project Co-Lead

Karen Bonuck
Project Co-Lead

Lisa Shulman
Project Co-Lead

Oril Segal
Research Coordinator