COHORT 5  (2024-2025)

A Qualitative Study of Reproductive Health Care Experiences among Autistic Adults Assigned Female at Birth Jennifer Ames, PhD Kaiser Permanente Northern California
The Enhancement Of A Novel Multi-site Survey To Understand Medical Students’ Perceptions In Caring For Autistic Patients And Patients With Chronic Illnesses And Disabilities Maya Christina Ayoub, MD, EdM UCLA Semel Institute
Utilizing a Community-Partnered Research Approach to Develop a Healthy Romantic Relationships Intervention for Autistic Young Adults with Intellectual Disability Ariana Garagozzo, PhD Center for Autism Research
Understanding the Lives of Autistic Individuals with Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating: A Mixed Methods Study Amanda Kim, MPH Johns Hopkins
Autism and Gender Identity Development: A Path Towards a Better Understanding of Transgender Autistic Youth Caitlin Middleton, PhD University of Colorado School of Medicine
Flappy, Happy, Healthy Hands: Stimming’s Role in Social Connection, Stress Management, and Self-Knowledge Isabelle Morris, PhD University of Minnesota

COHORT 4  (2023-2024)

A Self-Determination Theory-Guided mHealth Intervention to Improve Uptake and Sustainability of Physical Activity Engagement and Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Autistic Adults Daehyoung Lee, PhD University of Delaware
Double Burnout? Exploring experiences of Autistic and educator burnout among Autistic educators Alexandra (Alex) Newson, PhD University of Oregon
A Virtual Toolkit for Community College Counseling Center Staff Supporting Autistic Students Shannon Crowley LaPoint, PhD TEACCH Autism Program at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Increasing capacity in primary care and OB/GYN care: Exploring how we prepare providers to best care for autistic adults Eileen Crehan, PhD Tufts University
“Autism Eats: Preschoolers” Nutrition Intervention to Promote Healthy Eating Habits Among Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder – A Feasibility Study Heewon Gray, PhD University of South Florida
Functional Literacy Needs and Desires of Autistic and Intellectually Disabled AAC Users: A Community-based Participatory Study Lauren Fischbacher, PhD University of California, Los Angeles

COHORT 3  (2022-2023)

Redesign of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Young People on the Autism Spectrum for Use in Community-Based Clinics: Discover Phase Part II: Demonstration Study Alana McVey, PhD University of Washington
Characterizing Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) in Autistic Children Meeryo Choe, MD University of California, Los Angeles
Mapping Clinical Relationships Between Autism and Multisystem Autoimmune Manifestations Laura Foran Lewis, PhD University of Vermont
Evaluating autistic adolescents’ and their caregiver’s perceived utility and social validity of an online puberty and sexual health educational toolkit Jenny Mai Phan, PhD Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Children's National Hospital

COHORT 2  (2021-2022)

Mapping My Health: A Community Asset Mapping (CAM) Intervention to Expand the Social Support Networks of Autistic Young Adults and Improve Physical Health and Well-Being Jennifer Bumble Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities (KUCDD)
Healthcare Transition (HCT) for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Autism in Primary Care Setting Alice Zhang University of Kansas Medical Center
Recommendations for Improving Gastrointestinal Health among Autistic Adults: A Qualitative Community-Based Participatory Study Calliope Holingue & Margaret Johnson Kennedy Krieger Institute
Identifying the Constructs for an Autistic Quality of Life (AQoL) Measure Becca Lory Hector & Brenna Maddox UNC Chapel Hill
First-person construct validation of flourishing measures for health surveillance of autistic youth Samantha M. Ross West Virginia University

COHORT 1  (2020-2021)

Community-Based Self-Determination Intervention to Enhance Goal Setting and Attainment Targeting Employment, Postsecondary Education, Community Participation, and Physical Health Outcomes Sheida Raley & Ben Edwards Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities (KUCDD)
Health equity promotion for sexual and gender minorities on the autism spectrum Laura Graham-Holmes Kaiser Permanente/CUNY
Exploring the Mental Health Care Experiences of Autistic LGBTQ+ Youth: A Community-participatory Study Lauren Baczewski UCLA
Informing the Design of Culturally Relevant Transition Programing for Racial/Ethnic Minority and Linguistically Diverse Young People and Their Families Kendra Liljenquist University of Washington
The Birds and Bees: A pilot study of a parent-mediated sexuality education program for preteens and teens on the Autism Spectrum Lindsey DeVries University of Colorado School of Medicine
Evaluating a Remote Developmental Assessment for Latinx Infants and Toddlers at High Likelihood for Developing Autism Jessica Kinard University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Patient, Parent, and Provider Partnerships in Healthcare Transition: A New Program for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders Diana Cejas University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Specialty Neurodevelopmental Care for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder – What Works? Jessica Solomon Sanders University of Colorado School of Medicine
Increasing Access to Autism-Specific Care in Primary Care: Diagnosis and Access to Treatment Alice Bravo University of Washington